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Events and Assignments

Monitor Schedule

  • Sun, Mar 09, 2025 10:00am - 01:00pm
    Sharon Royer (Scheduled)
  • Sun, Mar 09, 2025 01:00pm - 04:00pm
    Cindy Brown (Scheduled)
  • Mon, Mar 10, 2025 09:00am - 12:00pm
    Sharon Runyon (Scheduled)
  • Mon, Mar 10, 2025 12:00pm - 03:00pm
    Gail Covert (Scheduled)

Sew ... What's Happening?

FRIDAY REPORT -- Education News

Every Friday I will post all classes that have recently been built, or are in the process of being created.  Check out the list below, and then go to the specific class date and time to Enroll.  NOTE - even if the class is "full" please add your name to the WAIT LIST so that we can determine if an additional session should be added.

(All regular scheduled Classes and Events are NOT included in this list.) 

DATE /   TIME                      CLASS NAME                                     INSTRUCTORS

03/05  12Noon - 3PM          Disappearing Blocks                      Donna & Georgia

03/07   9am - 11am             Pop Up Trash Can                                 Carol Meyers

03/08  10am - 1:00pm         Windsock with Pop-up Ring                Carol Meyers

03/19  12Noon- 3PM           5 Ways to Make Fyling Geese Blocks   Donna & Georgia

03/26  12Noon - 9PM          Framing Your Quilt with Borders          Georgia & Donna

TBD                                      Oven Door Towel Dress                        Jean Abraham

TBD                                       Custom Quilt Labels                            Hinde Socol

TBD                                       SCA Sewing Machine Feet                   Hinde Socol

TBD                                       Another Placemat Class                       Cheryl Scott

Featherweight Fanatics - February Project


We had a fun time making purses. A little more difficult then expected but still successful. Thank you Jean for helping out today. A special thanks to all the wonderful Fanatics for helping each other.

2025 Stitchin Divas January Meeting


Great first meeting of the year. Members finished their November snowman project. It was very cute.

Meetings are every first Monday of the month. This year there will be in the hoop education program taught by Marianne Corr and Kathy Rajcevich after the meeting and will be held in the Arlington Room. 

Thank you Monica Cruz and Lorene Osterday for their continuing to Co-Chair Stitchin Divas. 

New AccuQuilt Dies

Good morning everyone!

Great news! The new AccuQuilt dies you've been asking for have arrived in the Sewing Room! We're thrilled to have them, especially since several will be used in upcoming 2025 classes.

Please see the attached list for a complete inventory. A big thank you to Linda Garrison for her hard work in organizing these dies and creating the valuable die book.

Happy New Year!

Please welcome our New Members (12)

New members

What an exciting day in our Sewing Club! Yesterday, 12 new members went through Orientation. Adrienne B, Sherrie B, Lucia C, Dana C, Sheila J, Nancy M, Karyl S, Janis S, Jami S, Denise T, Cheryl W, and Blanca V.

A special thank you to Orientation Leader Shiela DeFrancesco and mentors Jean A, Linda B, Joan B, Gail C, Cathy D, Katrina H, Lorene O, and Donna P for their time and effort in instructing our new members on the Pfaff sewing machines.

Featherweight Fanatics


Featherweight Fanatics met December 17, at 9am. We made a cathedral window ornament under the instruction of Diane. Everyone had fun at our last meeting of the year. 

Next year we will be meeting at 12pm. The first meeting will including annual oiling and greasing of our little featherweight babies. Please be sure to sign up if you want to attend. 

See you next year! 

Basic Sewing Year End Projects


This week Basic Sewing members had a chance to finish their "works in progress". They had a wonderful day. Thank you Cathy Diss and Jill Yager this year's instructors. They will continue for 2025. YAY!!! 

Please welcome our 6 New Members


Please welcome our 6 New Members when you see them in the sewing room: Carolyn, Sue, Mary Ann, Joyce, Christine and Virginia. They completed Orientation today. 

Featherweight Fanatics Shark Attack


What a spectacular day! All the Fanatics had a great day, except for putting in the zippers, Lol. They were a little tricky but everyone did a wonderful job.