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Machine Applique/Paper Piecing (MAPP)Class

Placemats/Table Runners-2nd Friday of each Month-12 pm  to 3 pm


INSTRUCTORS:  See Session Notes below for Contact Information.  We no longer post it on the Description section.  

The Machine Applique Group will be making placemats or table runners this year. Each month we will provide you with a seasonal design. You can use this design to make the center of multiple placemats or put several together to make a table runner.

For those interested, we will also be including Paper Piecing in this group again.  Some of us are starting on a paper pieced Block of the Month from Shabby Fabrics. Check it out:  Foundation Paper Piecing Series 2 Kit - January | Shabby Fabrics

Do one or both!!            Pam and Hinde


• One fat quarter for back of placemat
• Fat quarter for center background-will make more than one placemat
• Fat quarter for borders-will make more than one placemat (optional)
• Fabric for the applique
• Neutral sewing thread to stitch front and back together
• Thread for decorative stitching around outside, if desired
• Microtex Needle (optional)
• Thread for applique-your choice
• Sharp cutting scissors
• Paper-backed fusible web, such as AppliKay Wonder or Heat N Bond Lite
• Basic sewing supplies
• Batting-can be fusible or fusible fleece
• SF101 for back of applique
We plan on having a small project each month. We will start the group with a short Machine Applique review/tutorial. If you have your own project, you are welcome to work on that, too.


Event Picture
1st Qtr Projects
Machine Applique/Paper Piecing (MAPP)Class
Actions Session Date Registration Capacity Staff
Member Closed
Instructor: 1 of 2
Student: 13 of 15
Pamela Marmar
Member Closed
Student: 15 (0 Waiting)
Instructor: 2 (Full)
Hinde Socol
Pamela Marmar