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Creative Wall Hanging Class

Instructor: Kathy Rajcevich  Jacquie Kapphahn & Pam Marmar    Contact Info in Session Notes (We no longer post instructor information on the Event Page)

                                                             TIME & DATE:  Every 3rd Friday - 9am-12 noon 

 This group will be a combined session of the Landscape project (Scotty’s Castle) into the main  creative Wall hanging group. We will lead this together. 

This will include the other Wall hanging techniques and the picture landscape people. We think that we can accomplish both during the allotted time.


Creative Wall Hanging Class
Actions Session Date Registration Capacity Staff
Member Closed
Instructor: 2 (Full)
Student: 9 of 15
Mentor: 1 (Full)
Kathy Rajcevich
Pamela Marmar
Member Closed
Student: 11 of 15
Instructor: 2 (Full)
Mentor: 1 (Full)
Pamela Marmar
Kathy Rajcevich